Book's Programs (NetBunch)

Here you find all the implementation in C language of the algorithms described in the Appendix of the textbook:

"Complex Networks: Principles, Methods and Applications",
V. Latora, V. Nicosia, G. Russo (Cambridge University Press, 2017)

For each program you find below a brief description, a set of options, and a link to the manual page, which includes examples about how the program is used.

When run without any argument, each program shows some usage information

All the programs can also be found on GitHub:

Download all the programs

All the C programs of the textbook are available in the NetBunch package, which can be downloaded here. Binary versions of NetBunch are available for Windows, Mac OS, and GNU/Linux (both Debian/Devuan/Ubuntu-based and RedHat/Fedora/CentOS-based distributions) while source files can be compiled on Windows, Mac OS, and any unix-like operating system (including GNU/Linux, and *BSD). All the programs in NetBunch are written in ANSI C99. To compile them, you need just a standard C compiler (we have tested and compiled NetBunch with gcc, llvm, and tcc) and a standard implementation of the C library. Please refer to the file 'INSTALL' inside each archive for further information.

Windows (64bit)
Mac OS X
Debian/Devuan/Ubuntu (64bit deb) netbunch_1.0-1_amd64.deb RedHat/Fedora/CentOS (64bit rpm) netbunch-1.0-2.x86_64.rpm
Sources (zip) Sources (tar.gz) netbunch-1.0.tar.gz

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  2. Study how the software works, and modify it for their needs
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  4. Distribute modified copies of the software to third parties


All the programs included in NetBunch can be used, distributed, and modified under the terms of the GNU General Public License, either version 3 of the Licence or (at your option) any later version.

All the programs included in NetBunch are distributed in the hope that they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

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Graph measures

betweenness (Betweenness)

betweenness - Compute the betweenness centrality of nodes and edges


betweenness graph_in [ SEQ node_start [node_end]]

betweenness graph_in [ RND num]


betweenness computes the betweenness centrality of all the nodes and edges of an undirected graph provided as input. The program implements the algorithm by U. Brandes, and computes the betweenness using all the shortest paths originating from a subset of the nodes of the graph, either in a sequence (if SEQ is the second parameter) or sampled unirofmly at random (if RND is the second parameter). If graph_in is the only parameter, betweenness takes into account all the shortest paths.

See manual page

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bet_dependency (Betweenness dependency)

bet_dependency - Compute the betweenness dependency of nodes


bet_dependency graph_in [ node_start [node_end]]


bet_dependency computes the betweenness dependency of all the nodes of an undirected graph provided as input. The program implements the algorithm by U. Brandes, and computes the betweenness dependency using all the shortest paths originating from the subset of the nodes of the graph whose labels are in the interval [node_start, node_end]. If node_end is not given, the last label of the graph is assumed. If node_start is not given, use the shortest paths originating from all the nodes of the graph.

See manual page

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johnson_cycles (Cycles)

johnson_cycles - Enumerate the simple cycles of a graph


johnson_cycles graph_in [max_length [SHOW]]


johnson_cycles enumerates all the simple cycles of the graph given on input, and prints the total number of cycles of each length. If max_length is provided, johnson_cycles ignores any cycle whose length is larger than max_length. If SHOW is given as third argument, all the found cycles are printed on STDERR as soon as they are found.

See manual page

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clust (Clustering)

clust - Compute the graph and node clustering coefficients


clust graph_in [SHOW]


clust computes the clustering coefficient of the undirected graph given as input in the file graph_in. If SHOW is provided as a second parameter, the program prints on STDERR the label, degree, and clustering coefficient of all the nodes in graph_in.

See manual page

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clust_w (Clustering - weighted)

clust_w - Compute the graph and node clustering of weighted graphs


clust_w graph_in [SHOW]


clust_w computes the clustering coefficient of the undirected and weighted graph given as input in the file graph_in. The program uses the definition of weighted clustering proposed by Barrat, Barthelemy, Pastor-Satorras ans Vespignani. If SHOW is provided as a second parameter, the program prints on STDERR the label, degree, and clustering coefficient of all the nodes in graph_in.

See manual page

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gn (Communities - Girvan-Newman)

gn - Find communities using the Girvan-Newman algorithm


gn graph_in


gn finds the communities in graph_in using the Girvan-Newman algorithm, based on the successive removal of edges with high betweenness. The program prints on STDOUT the partition corresponding to the highest value of the modularity function, and reports on STDERR the number of communities after each edge removal and the corresponding value of modularity.

N.B.: the program recomputes the edge betweenness of the graph after the removal of each edge, so it is not feasible to use it on large graphs.

See manual page

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cnm (Communities - greedy modularity)

cnm - Find communities using greedy modularity optimisation


cnm graph_in


cnm finds the communities in graph_in using the greedy modularity optimisation algorithm proposed by Clauset, Newman and Moore. The program prints on STDOUT the partition corresponding to the highest value of the modularity function, and reports on STDERR the number of communities and the corresponding value of modularity at each step. The algorithm is quite eficient and thus suitable to find communities in large graphs.

See manual page

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label_prop (Communities - label propagation)

label_prop - Find communities using label propagation


label_prop [SYNC|ASYNC] graph_in [max_epochs]


label_prop finds the communities in graph_in using the label propagation algorithm proposed by Raghavan, Albert, and Kumara. The program prints on STDOUT the partition obtained where no more label flips are possible, and reports on STDERR the number of communities and the corresponding value of modularity at each epoch. When used in ASYNC mode, the algorithm is suitable to find communities in large graphs.

See manual page

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components (Connected components)

components - Find the connected components of a graph


components graph_in [SHOW]


components finds the connected components of the undirected graph given as input using the Depth-First Search algorithm, and prints the size of each of them. If the optional second parameter SHOW is provided, the program dumps on output also the list of nodes belonging to each component.

See manual page

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largest_component (Largest component)

largest_component - Find largest connected component of a graph


largest_component graph_in


largest_component computes the largest connected component of graph_in, and prints on STDOUT the corresponding edge list.

See manual page

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deg_seq (Degree sequence)

deg_seq - Compute the degree sequence of a graph


deg_seq graph_in


deg_seq computes the degree sequence of graph_in.

See manual page

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deg_seq_w (Degree sequence - weighted)

deg_seq_w - Compute the degree and strength sequence of a graph


deg_seq_w graph_in


deg_seq_w computes the degree and the strength sequence of graph_in.

See manual page

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fitmle (Fit power-law)

fitmle - Fit a set of values with a power-law distribution


fitmle data_in [tol [TEST [num_test]]]


fitmle fits the data points contained in the file data_in with a power-law function P(k) ~ k-gamma, using the Maximum-Likelihood Estimator (MLE). In particular, fitmle finds the exponent gamma and the minimum of the values provided on input for which the power-law behaviour holds. The second (optional) argument tol sets the acceptable statistical error on the estimate of the exponent.

If TEST is provided, the program associates a p-value to the goodness of the fit, based on the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistics computed on num_test sampled distributions from the theoretical power-law function. If num_test is not provided, the test is based on 100 sampled distributions.

See manual page

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graph_info (Graph info)

graph_info - Print basic information about a graph


graph_info graph_in


graph_info prints the number of nodes, number of edges, average degree, and average squared degree of graph_in.

See manual page

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modularity (Modularity)

modularity - Compute the modularity of a partition of a graph


modularity graph_in partition


modularity computes the value of the modularity function associated to a partition of the nodes of the graph given as input.

See manual page

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f3m (Motifs analysis)

f3m - Count all the 3-node subgraphs of a directed graph


f3m graph_in [num_random]


f3m performs a motif analysis on graph_in, i.e., it counts all the 3-node subgraphs and computes the z-score of that count with respect to the corresponding configuration model ensemble.

See manual page

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knn (Nearest-neighbour degree)

knn - Compute the average nearest neighbours degree function


knn graph_in [NO|LIN|EXP bin_param]


knn computes the average nearest neighbours degree function knn(k) of the graph graph_in given as input. The program can (optionally) average the results over bins of equal or exponentially increasing width (the latter is also known as logarithmic binning).

See manual page

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knn_w (Nearest-neighbour degree - weighted)

knn_w - Compute the weighted average nearest neighbours degree function


knn_w graph_in [NO|LIN|EXP bin_param]


knn_w computes the weighted average nearest neighbours degree function knn_w(k) of the weighted graph graph_in given as input. The program can (optionally) average the results over bins of equal or exponentially increasing width (the latter is also known as logarithmic binning).

See manual page

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node_components (Node components)

node_components - Find the components associated to a specific node


node_components graph_in node [component [SHOW]]


node_components finds the components associated to the node node of the graph graph_in provided as input, and prints on output the size of those components. The value of the third parameter component can be set to IN, OUT, INOUT, SSC, WCC, or ALL. According to the value of component, the program will compute the IN-component (IN), the OUT-component (OUT), both the IN- and OUT-component (INOUT), the strongly connected components (SCC), or the weakly-connected component (WCC) to which node belongs. If the third parameter is omitted or equal to ALL, then node_components computes all the components associated to node. If SHOW is specified as the fourth parameter, the program also shows the list of nodes which belong to each of the required components.

See manual page

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power_law (Power-law sequences)

power_law - Sample N integers from a discrete power-law distribution


power_law gamma k_min k_max N


power_law samples N elements from the discrete power-law distribution

P(k) ~ k^{gamma}


k_min <= k <= k_max, gamma < 1

The program can be used to generate a power-law degree distribution with an assigned value of the exponent <gamma.

See manual page

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pm (Power method)

pm - Compute the leading eigenvalue and eigenvector of a graph


pm graph_in is_dir eps


pm computes the leading eigenvalue and the corresponding eigenvector of the matrix given as input, using the Power Method. In particular, this implementation uses the Rayleigh iteration, which allows faster convergence on undirected graphs.

See manual page

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shortest (Shortest paths)

shortest - Compute the distance between one node and all the other nodes of a graph


shortest graph_in node [SHOW]


shortest computes the distance (and the shortest paths) between a given node and all the other nodes of an undirected graph provided as input. The program implements the Breadth-First Search algorithm.

See manual page

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shortest_avg_max_hist (Shortest paths statistics)

shortest_avg_max_hist - Compute the distance between one node and all the other nodes of a graph


shortest_avg_max_hist graph_in node


shortest_avg_max_hist computes the distance (and the shortest paths) between a given node and all the other nodes of an undirected graph provided as input. The program implements the Breadth-First Search algorithm, and works almost exactly as shortest(1), except for the output.

See manual page

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dijkstra (Shortest paths - weighted)

dijkstra - Compute the distance between one node and all the other nodes of a weighted graph


dijkstra graph_in node


dijkstra computes the distance (and the shortest paths) between a given node and all the other nodes of an undirected weighted graph provided as input. The program implements the Dijkstra's algorithm.

See manual page

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kruskal (Spanning trees)

kruskal - Find the minimum/maximum spanning tree of a graph


kruskal graph_in [MAX]


kruskal computes the minimum (or maximum) spanning tree of graph_in, using the Kruskal's algorithm. If grahp_in is unweighted, kruskal computes one of the spanning trees of the graph. The program prints on output the (weighted) edge list of the spanning tree.

See manual page

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strong_conn (Strongly connected components)

strong_conn - Find the strongly connected components of a directed graph


strong_conn graph_in [SHOW]


strong_conn finds the strongly connected components of the directed graph given as input using the Kosaraju-Sharir algorithm, and prints the size of each of them. If the optional second parameter SHOW is provided, the program dumps on output also the list of nodes belonging to each component.

See manual page

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Graph models

ba (BA model)

ba - Grow a Barabasi-Albert scale-free random graph


ba N m n0


ba grows an undirected random scale-free graph with N nodes using the linear preferential attachment model proposed by Barabasi and Albert. The initial network is a ring of n0 nodes, and each new node creates m new edges. The resulting graph will have a scale-free degree distribution, whose exponent converges to gamma=3.0 for large N.

See manual page

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conf_model_deg (Conf. model)

conf_model_deg - Sample a simple graph from the configuration model


conf_model_deg degs [threshold]


conf_model_deg samples a simple random undirected graph (i.e., a graph without self-loops and multiple edges) from the configuration model associated to the degree sequence provided in the input file degs.

See manual page

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conf_model_deg (Conf. model multigraph)

conf_model_deg_nocheck - Sample a multigraph from the configuration model


conf_model_deg_nocheck degs


conf_model_deg_nocheck samples an undirected multigraph (i.e., a graph that might contain self-loops multiple edges) from the configuration model associated to the degree sequence provided in the input file degs.

See manual page

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er_A (ER model A)

er_A - Sample a random graph from the Erdos-Renyi model A


er_A N K [fileout]


er_A samples a random graph with N nodes and K edges from the Erdos-Renyi model A, i.e. the ensemble of random graphs where K links are placed uniformly at random among N nodes. The program dumps the edge list of the resulting graph on output. If the optional fileout is provided, the output is written on a file with that name.

See manual page

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er_B (ER model B)

er_B - Sample a random graph from the Erdos-Renyi model B


er_B N p [fileout]


er_B samples a random graph from the Erdos-Renyi model B, i.e. a graph with N nodes where each of the <N(N-1)/2> edges is created independently with probability p. The program dumps the edge list of the resulting graph on output. If the optional fileout is provided, the output is written on a file with that name.

See manual page

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dms (DMS model)

dms - Grow a scale-free random graph with tunable exponent


dms N m n0 a


dms grows an undirected random scale-free graph with N nodes using the modified linear preferential attachment model proposed by Dorogovtsev, Mendes and Samukhin. The initial network is a clique of n0 nodes, and each new node creates m new edges. The resulting graph will have a scale-free degree distribution, whose exponent converges to gamma=3.0 + a/m for large N.

See manual page

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bb_fitness (Fitness model)

bb_fitness - Grow a random graph with the fitness model


bb_fitness N m n0 [SHOW]


bb_fitness grows an undirected random scale-free graph with N nodes using the fitness model proposed by Bianconi and Barabasi. The initial network is a clique of n0 nodes, and each new node creates m new edges. The probability that a new node create an edge to node j is proportional to

    a_j * k_j

where a_j is the attractiveness (fitness) of node j. The values of node attractiveness are sampled uniformly in the interval [0,1].

See manual page

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bbv (Growing weighted graphs)

bbv - Grow a weighted scale-free random graph


bbv N m n0 w0 delta


bbv grows an undirected weighted random scale-free graph with N nodes using the model proposed by Barrat, Barthelemy, and Vespignani. The initial network is a clique of n0 nodes, and each new node creates m new edges, each with weight w0. The parameter delta sets the amount of weight to be redistributed in the neighbourhood of newly-connected nodes.

See manual page

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hv_net (Hidden-variable model)

hv_net - Sample a random graph with an assigned joint degree distribution


hv_net graph_in [SHOW]


hv_net samples a random graph whose joint degree distribution is equal to that of another graph provided as input, using the hidden-variable model proposed by Boguna ans Pastor-Satorras.

See manual page

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ws (WS model)

ws - Create a small-world graph using the Watts-Strogatz model


ws N m p [SHOW]


ws creates a small-world undirected graph with 'N' nodes using the Watts-Strogatz small-world network model. The nodes are initially placed around a circle and each node is connected to its 'm' closest neighbours on either side. Then, each edge is rewired (independently) with probability 'p'. The program prints on output the edge-list of the resulting graph.

See manual page

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